Welcome to the official internet presence of the North-Western Zambia Conference of Seventh-Day Adventists located in the North Zambia Union Conference of Seventh-Day Adventists in the Republic of Zambia.
We are fully committed to advancing Jesus's commission based on His instructions when He said:
“And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. (19) Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, (20) teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Amen.” (Matthew 28:18-20 NKJV)
Our mission is to share with all the people - in Zambia and in the world, the message of God’s love as described above by our Lord Jesus Christ, who was sent by our Father in Heaven, and left us the Holy Spirit to empower our work. We, therefore, invite you to explore this site and related ones. It is our desire to give joy to humanity through our interactions with each other on this site. We have hope for our deliverance! You too can have hope!
Our territory consists of North Western Province of the Replic of Zambia, including two Copperbelt Province political districts of the republic, namely: Chingola and Chililabombwe districts.
Meet the Conference Leadership
The President
![]() |
Pastor Humphrey Kambanzhi Nshindo
email: hnkambanzhi@yahoo.com
phone:+260 955161677
The Executive Secretary
Pastor Christopher Mwampokota
email: mwampokotac@nwzc.adventist.africa
Phone:+260 977320461
+260 963745669
The Secretary Penelope Chikamba Kangungu |
The Chief Financial Officer
![]() Elder Mutti Kangungu Email:kangungu@nwzc.adventist.africa Phone:+260 977648033 +260 955779937 |
The chief Accountant Email:bietec@nwzc.adventist.africa Phone:+260 977196445 |
The Accountant![]() Kamfwa Lawrence Email:lawrencekamfwa55@gmail.com +260 978678047 |
The Personal Ministries Director
![]() Pastor Manda Gibson |
Phone:+260 96933568 +260 97936343 +260 954464658 |
Email:gibsonmanda04@gmail.com |
The Youth Director
Pastor Enock Zango Sambongo
This site is managed by the Conference Communication Director, whose details are below
![]() Pastor Mukonda Golden email:mukondag@nwzc.adventist.africa :communications@nwzc.adventist.africa :mukondag@gmail.com phone: +260 955435796 +260 973422955 +260 968066048 |
The Stewardship Director
Pastor Musonda Lameck
Phone:+260 964055555